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Updated: 16 Feb 2023

Posted By: Mark

When it comes to define methodology, it is referred to as the process taken to explain and conduct a research. A proper dissertation methodology will always includes all the methods and steps one has used, including data collection, statistical analysis, procedures, inspection, observation, etc., in order to explain all the topics one wished to address in their dissertation. As it is a critical part of any dissertation, all students should understand how to handle a literature-based dissertation help methodology because it will help the professor know the right strategy that has been used throughout the dissertation.

Dissertation Methodology: Table Of Content

If you are a researcher or scholar, you will surely encounter many sorts of dissertations throughout your academic career. Always remember to focus on the right format along with maintaining the flow of the content for better readability. Out of all the elements in a dissertation, a dissertation methodology is the most important component for you to pay attention to. Further, we are going to discuss a few tips so that you can draft a professional methodology for your dissertation with the help of an research methodology sample mentioned below.

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Methodology Dissertation: The Importance Of Writing Dissertation

When deciding on which technique to use for your research work along with the selection of choosing the greatest formula for a study topic, there are several explanations or elements you are required to present. It helps to corroborate and clarify multiple factors that went into the research's conclusions. With the aid of a strong dissertation methodology template, you can achieve exactly what you want to convey from your research work. A great master’s dissertation methodology example will make your task easier because you can run into problems when developing a methodology.

Dissertation Research Methods: The Vital Components Of Dissertation Research Methodology

If you want to describe and write a perfect dissertation methodology, you need to have a decent knowledge of its vital components. It helps you prepare your methodology with a definite structure and also makes the content easily understandable. Wish to know what these components of dissertation research methodology are? Look below!

  • Introduction:
  • The introduction helps in serving the persistence of leading the reader from a common subject expanse to a specific field of study. An introduction of research methodology describes the clear statement of the different objectives and explains the methodology adopted during the whole research work. (Refer to Figure 1a).

    Figure 1a: A sample explaining on how to draft an introduction for your research methodology

  • Research Philosophy:
  • It is an approach in which data about particular phenomena is congregated and analysed. (Refer to Figure 1b). It generally assists the researcher with different types of methodologies and avoids unrelated work.

    Figure 1b: A partial sample explaining how you can draft a research philosophy for your dissertation

  • Research Approach:
  • It is an appropriate procedure utilised by a researcher to gather, analyse and interpret the data for different dissertation types. It can be a abductive, inductive or deductive method (refer to figure 1c). With the help of a research approach, a researcher can follow the right steps for a broad assumption of detailed methods of data collection.

    Figure 1c: An image sample to help you understand deductive research approach in a better way

  • Research Strategy:
  • It is a step-by-step plan of action that delivers the right way of a researcher’s opinions, and efforts and enables to conduct the right research work for different types of dissertations. ( refer to figure 1d)

    Figure 1d: A sample on how to draft a research strategy

  • Data Collection And Data Analysis:
  • Data collection helps in gathering and labelling essential variables and classifying them in a systematic way. It is necessary to collect valid data from reliable and trustable sources. It is the logical process of mentioning all statistical techniques to describe and summarize data. There are two kinds of data analysis, i.e qualitative and quantitative data analysis method as well as two for data collection method viz. Primary and secondary data collection. (Refer to dissertation data analysis example, i.e. figures 1e and 1f).

    Figure 1e: This data collection sample utilizes the mixture of primary and secondary data collection techniques.

    Figure 1f: This sample of the dissertation utilized information from foreign sources in order to make their dissertation strong. This process is also known as secondary data collection.

  • Ethical Consideration:
  • This explains the ethical concerns that are observed during research. (Refer to figure 1g). It also shows the integrity and ethical behaviour that was upheld during the whole course of the research study.

    Figure 1g: This sample explains ethical considerations adopted by the researcher in their dissertation

  • Limitation Of Study:
  • It is characteristic of the design or methodology that impacts and influences the application or the results. To know how it is written, you can take the help of an example. Refer to Figure 1h for the same.

    Figure 1h: This part of the sample focuses on giving you an example on how to draft the limitations of study in your dissertation

Before beginning a research endeavour for your dissertation, you must know the key elements of dissertation methodology (mentioned in figure 2) so that you may structure your write up flawlessly. It permits you to return to your outline and complete an adequate study on that subject while also assisting you in writing your dissertation in a flowy manner.

Figure 2: Know the key elements of dissertation methodology to articulate the various reasons why choose a particular procedure or technique

literature Based Dissertation Methodology: Get To Know The Types Of Qualitative Dissertation Methodology

One can use different dissertation research methods to perform qualitative research. The values for collection of data, investigation, and clarification are indicated unequivocally in each procedure. The three major types of qualitative methods are as follows:

  • Grounded Theory
  • Phenology
  • Ethnography

Furthermore, there is a long history of numerous designs for qualitative research. Other qualitative methods include:

  • A case study
  • Analysis of a Conversation
  • Participatory Action
  • Critical Social Theory
  • Feminist Research
  • Hermeneutic Research
  • Historical Research
  • Research Participatory
  • Community Research
  • Dialectical analysis
  • Content evaluation

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Dissertation Methodology Structure: Steps To Write A Methodology For A Dissertation

  • Research Process: In this area, you must describe every research strategy you intend to use in your dissertation. Additionally, you must confirm that either you are employing a combination of the quantitative and qualitative dissertation methodology or both approaches separately. The scope aims and objectives of the research must be specified.
  • Justify Your Research Strategy: You should portray a detailed justification for the dissertation methodologies you have chosen. Create compelling arguments that can effectively support the study work approach you've chosen and produce the desired result.
  • Describe Your Mechanism: The mechanism you use should be consistent throughout your methodology in dissertation. It usually refers to the methods you employ for gathering data and how you applied them to your study. You must include some of the data gathering techniques in your approach while working on a dissertation, such as questionnaires, surveys, and interviews etc. While mentioning the data collection tool you are utilizing, you also have to give a detailed explanation of why you are choosing a tool like this.
  • Limitations And Difficulties: Despite commonly held beliefs to the contrary, this section is quite important. As you conduct various types of research, you must be aware of the challenges and limitations that your chosen technique always entails. You can mention them, through your dissertation methodology. If you don’t have any idea to define limitations, then you can refer to the methodology dissertation example or samples to know the authentic way. You can also have a look on figure 3 to follow authentic steps of research methodology.

Figure 3: Pictorial representations of the 7 steps that will help you write an effective dissertation methodology

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Dissertation Methodology: Tips That Will Help You Create The Efficient Dissertation Methodology

  • Describe The Topic You Plan To Study: This is the first step for writing up your methodology. List the issues or questions you want to investigate at the outset of your research technique section. If applicable, mention your hypothesis or the points you hope to prove with your research.
  • Determine Your Overarching Methodological Strategy: While choosing between the strategies, you will either prefer to choose a quantitative or qualitative approach. To draft a perfect methodology outline for the dissertation you must understand the difference between the two strategies and choose wisely. If required, you can also combine the two methods but, don’t forget to mention why you did so as justification!
  • Describe The Data Collection Process: This section of your dissertation methodology informs your readers on the dates and locations of your study as well as the fundamental guidelines that were followed to ensure the relative neutrality of your findings.
  • Mention Any Sources That Helped To Shape Your Methodology Choice: If you drew on the work of others to develop or apply your methodology, explain how their contributions influenced your work or how it builds on theirs.

Figure 4: Eight amazing tips that will help you draft an amazing dissertation methodology according to the University requirements


The above-mentioned information will help you make your work easier when you sit down to write your dissertation methodology. You can also refer to figure 4 to find the best tips to write your research methodology for different types of dissertations. If you still face any kind of issue while framing a methodology then you can take the assistance of dissertation methodology writing help services. They have highly proficient experts in various fields who can write your dissertation without any discrepancies. To know more about the dissertation writing services raise a query in the comments section below!

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